Aperitif star of your summer, the Spritz Night Orient from Univers Drink will help you keep your figure while continuing to party. In addition to being 0% alcohol it contains barely 0.5 grams of sugar! What to enjoy the summer without complex!
A successful innovation.
In 2021, the non-alcoholic trend was in full swing. Since the beginning of 2022, Univers Drink has seen sales increase by non-alcoholic cocktails and in particular the Night Orient Spritz, one of the company's best sellers. For the record, the original Spritz was invented by Austrian soldiers who found Italian wine too alcoholic. Univers Drink goes one step further by offering the alcohol-free Night Orient Spritz, which has a bitter orange flavor similar to its alcoholic counterpart. This festive alternative can be enjoyed by the poolside as well as during a cocktail party with family or friends!
Awarded 2 gold stars by the International Taste Quality Institute of Brussels
In 2021, Spritz Night Orient wins two gold stars at the ITQI - International Taste Quality Institute of Brussels. This award, a guarantee of gustative and organoleptic qualities, confirms that this mocktail has nothing to envy to its alcoholic big brother.
Introduction of Night Orient in the HORECA
After having conquered the large-scale distribution as well as more than 40 different countries, the world of the event industry and HORECA are falling under its spell. Indeed, it seduces prestigious establishments such as the Jeux d’Hiverlocated in the heart of the Bois de la Cambre and it's only the beginning!
Les Jeux d'Hiver, a trendy bar, club and restaurant in the city of Brussels, is one of the most popular spots in the city. The resident DJs create magic by intoxicating the public with their music, a real pleasure for all visitors!
Discover the Spritz Night Orient concocted by Elodie Caron every Thursday.
Recipe authentic non-alcoholic Spritz
Fill your glass with ice cubes.
Let it cool and remove excess water.
Add the ready-to-drink Night Orient Spritz and you're done.
To vary the pleasure you can finish the topping by adding the bubbles of the Vendôme Mademoiselle Classic.
All you have to do is add a slice of orange for decoration.