The process used to manufacture and dealcoholise Night Orient preserves all the original organoleptic qualities of the wine. The low-temperature dealcoholisation under vacuum technique guarantees our still and semi-sparkling wines have 0.0% alcohol content.
Night Orient is the most varied range of alcohol-free cocktails and “ready-to-drink” beverages that you can find on the market. Enjoy them on any occasion!
A “dry” month? Nothing simpler than varying pleasures with a colourful, fruity and great tasting mocktail.
0.0% alcohol and 100% fun!
Enfin un vrai vin BIO sans alcool comme le vin pétillant blanc, pétillant rosé, ou encore un vin d’appelation en cépage comme le Merlot, du Chardonnay ou rosé. Le tout avec le goût authentique du vrai vin ou du mousseux. Continuez à savourer vos boissons préféres sans les effets indésirables de l’alcool.
Chaque bouteille renferme le fruit d’un travail acharné grâce à un système de désalcoolisation made in Univers Drink. Notre technique permet de faire ressortir toutes les qualités de chaque produit : son arôme, sa fraîcheur, son caractère, le tout sans alcool contrairement à ses comparses à fermentation.
The real taste of Merlot, Chardonnay or rosé wine and all alcohol-free. A full range, guaranteed ORGANIC! Take care of yourself and your loved ones while allowing yourself some of life’s little pleasures.
Finally a real ORGANIC alcohol-free wine with the authentic taste of real wine. Continue to enjoy your favourites drinks without the unwanted effects of alcohol. Enjoy the unique taste of grape-based wine without the drawbacks of vinification thanks to our alcohol-free ORGANIC wine.