Discover our extensive range of festive alcohol-free beverages made from disalcoholized wines, mocktails et alternatives aux spirits. Univers Drink is shaking up the world of non-alcoholic drinks with modernity, glamour and great taste.
Univers Drink is pleasure without drunkenness!
A pioneer in alcohol-free since 2009, we offer nearly 44 references.
Univers Drink conducts in-depth research. Our priority is to create varied flavours and offer our customers a unique taste and sensory experience.
These different references have been developed mainly around the great classics revisited without alcohol.
Our non-alcoholic beverages based on disalcoholized wines are authentic. They are dealcoholized under vacuum at low pressure. This method enables the alcohol to evaporate at low temperature.
Discover the steps of the manufacturing process of our beverages and the dealcoholization of wines.
We received from numerous awards à travers le monde. Elles témoignent de notre qualité et de notre expertise, qui s’améliorent année après année.
Today, going alcohol-free is no longer synonymous with boredom. Univers Drink is firmly convinced of this and has been advocating a modern and uncomplicated approach to 0% for 15 years. Thanks to a skillfully mastered dealcoholization process Univers Drink has quickly positioned itself as the specialist in festive non-alcoholic beverages.
Its wide range of non-alcoholic cocktails exprime des arômes et des saveurs les plus étonnantes les unes que les autres. Ces boissons se déclinent en versions gazeuse et non gazeuse pour profiter d’un apéritif varié. Vous pourrez facilement vous passer du traditionnel soda, de la triste eau gazeuse, de l’éternel jus de fruits, du cidre de votre grand-mère ou du trop connu thé glacé en proposant à vos convives un concept rafraichissant et fruité contenant des notes d’agrumes ou de fraises.
Out of ideas to make an evening go with more of a swing when your friends come round? Sparkling wines, whites and other alcoholic drinks no longer have the same appeal and you don’t want to restrict yourself to sparkling water with a few drops of cordial?
Why not bring some freshness with our non-alcoholic aperitifs specially designed for you! Discover our succulent versions of Mojito, Hugo or even Bellini, tous sans alcool. Rajoutez quelques larmes de sirops et quelques décorations afin de pimper vos apéritifs. Il ne reste qu’à ajouter quelques glaçons pour que votre limonade se transforme en nectar qui mettra vos sens en éveil.
Make our delicious mixologist-designed recipes at home. We promise you an alcohol-free evening but above all one that will be sparkling and refreshing.
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